
Doctoral Completion Award

The aim of the Doctoral Completion Award (DCA) is to provide support to full-time PhD students for the two years after their graduate funding ends and within the time-limit for the degree. 

The DCA value is determined by the graduate unit and it may not be the same for every award holder. Students must be registered to receive award payments and will not receive any payments once degree requirements are completed. A student who withdraws mid-session is expected to return any award funds received in that session.

The DCA is awarded in two installments for the year (September and January). These installments are applied to tuition/outstanding fees first.

Eligibility requirements (minimum):

  • The 2022-23 DCA allocation is for students who will be eligible for the award as of May 2022, September 2022 or January 2023.
  • Eligible applicants are full-time PhD students who will be in their first or second unfunded year for 2022-23.

In addition to any individual department criteria, recipients of the DCA must be:

  • beyond the funded cohort as established by the graduate faculty/unit practice;
  • within time limit for the degree (students on approved program extensions are ineligible);
  • in good academic standing (i.e. achieved candidacy) and making satisfactory progress toward the completion of their degree requirements; and
  • a registered full-time PhD or SJD student (DMA, EdD and flexible-time PhD students are ineligible)

Nominations are open to international applicants who are not currently registered in a degree program at the University of Toronto at the undergraduate or graduate level. Nominees must have been or will be offered admission into a full-time doctoral program with a funding commitment beginning September of the upcoming academic year. Students must have achieve at least an A- average in their last two years of full-time study.  

Application Components

Applicants interested in being considered for this scholarship are encouraged to contact their prospective graduate unit.

Category: Admission, Doctoral, International
Required Legal Status: International
Amount Awarded: 

  • $10,000 top-up
  • Renewable for a total of 4-5 years*

Application Dates: Winter
Notification Period: Early March of each year to graduate units

Applicant must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada; Be an Atlantic Canadian resident and a graduate of an Atlantic Canadian university,  demonstrate a track record of academic achievements of the highest level and demonstrate outstanding leadership potential and ongoing commitment to community service in one or more endeavors.

Application Components

Applicants interested in being considered for the C. David Naylor University Fellowships, Endowed by a Gift from the Arthur L. Irving Foundation are encouraged to contact their prospective graduate unit when applying for admission to the University of Toronto.

Category: Admission, Doctoral, Master's
Required Legal Status: Domestic
Amount Awarded: 

  • $30,000 for one year

Application Dates: Winter
Notification Period: Early April

Demonstrate work (through their dissertation) that makes significant, original contributions​ to both the academic community and to Canadian society, have completed and had their dissertation accepted by SGS between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020.

For the John Leyerle-CIFAR Prize: Demonstrate work with strong emphasis on interdisciplinary approach to an original research topic.

Application Components

An application package including a letter from the applicant's supervisor or graduate coordinator highlighting reasons for nomination, addressing the significance of the applicant's dissertation as an original contribution to the field, and highlight the outstanding nature of the nominee in comparison to other students in their same program, an explanation statement by the applicant on their dissertation in non-technical language which can be understood by individuals outside the field, and an updated CV.

Category: Completion, International
Required Legal Status: Domestic / International
Amount Awarded: 

  • CAGS/ProQuest-UMI: two prizes (nationally)​ each of $1,500
  • John Leyerle-CIFAR: one prize of $1,000

Application Dates: Winter
Notification Period: Nominees will be notified by SGS in early April. CAGS/ProQuest-UMI will announce the winners of the national competition in June.

Applicants must be Indigenous to North America (e.g. First nations (Status/Non-Status), Métis, or Inuit), full time students enrolled in a graduate studies program at time of application submission, during their participation in activity/conference, at time of payment request. 

Application Components

A completed application form including student information, activity/conference information, a statement of eligibility, a summary of budget/expenses, and a letter of support from a member of the university community.

Category: Doctoral, Financial, In-Course, Indigenous Student and Postdoc, Master's, Travel & Conference
Required Legal Status: Domestic / International
Amount Awarded: 

  • Up to $1000


Applicants must be registered in a full-time graduate studies program in good academic standing, and must be International students under a temporary resident visa are eligible for a set amount of Ontario Graduate Scholarship awards.

Application Components

A completed Ontario Graduate Scholarship application form, transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended (unofficial accepted), summary of accepted awards, publications, research experience, one page plan of study with additional one page allowed for references and citations, two academic references. 

Category: Admission, Doctoral, Government-Funded, In-Course, Indigenous Student and Postdoc, International, Master's, Prof. Master's
Required Legal Status: Domestic / International
Amount Awarded: 

  • $5,000 per session

Application Dates: Determined by graduate unit
Notification Period: Mid-July

Applicants must be registered in a full-time graduate studies program in good academic standing, and must be a Canadian citizen, Permanent Resident, or Protected Person under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) by the student deadline as determined by each graduate unit. 

Application Components

A completed Ontario Domestic Awards application form, transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended (unofficial accepted), summary of accepted awards, publications, research experience, one page plan of study with additional one page allowed for references and citations, two academic references. 

Category: Admission, Doctoral, Government-Funded, In-Course, Indigenous Student and Postdoc, International, Master's, Prof. Master's
Required Legal Status: Domestic / International
Amount Awarded: 

  • $5,000 per session

Application Dates: Determined by graduate unit
Notification Period: Mid-July

Students who graduated at the November 2020, March 2021, or June 2021 convocations. Final theses must have been submitted by April 16, 2021.

Application Components

A completed nomination package including a nomination letter from the Department chair or the graduate coordinator providing reasons for nominee's recognition, current transcript, self-written candidate biography (200 words max), updated CV. Additional requirements for Masters and Doctoral nominations on info site. 

Category: Completion, Doctoral, International, Master's
Required Legal Status: Domestic / International
Amount Awarded: 

  • Three awards of Gold Academic Medals

Application Dates: Winter

SGS Conference and Research Travel Grant (Winter 2022)

Applicants must be enrolled in a PhD or SJD program at time of application, at time of travel, and at time of payment period. Applicants must plan to depart between August 2021 and April 2022 and have completed the Safety Abroad requirements.

Application Components

An application package consisting of two components; one completed by the applicant including a budget proposal, travel and activity details, a 1,500 statement on purpose of research. The other portion completed by the supervisor/advisor must include approval of applicants' application (will be provided a web link), confirm applicants' academic standing and eligibility for funding.

Category: Doctoral, Financial, In-Course,International, Travel & Conference
Required Legal Status: Domestic / International
Amount Awarded: 

  • Varies depending on travel budget

Notification Period: Mid-April

Both domestic and international graduate students may apply. Applicants must be enrolled in a full-time graduate degree program. Applicants must demonstrate financial need through the SGS Financial Need Assessment Form and demonstrate academic excellence.

Application Components

Applicants must download and complete the SGS University-Wide Awards Application (available Spring 2022). If applying to multiple university-wide awards, applicants only need to complete this step once. All required documents must be submitted directly to the graduate unit.

Category: Admission, Doctoral, In-Course, International, Master's, Prof. Master's, University-Wide
Required Legal Status: Domestic / International
Amount Awarded: 

  • Varies depending on award.

Application Dates: 2022 -2023 TBA

Masters students who have experienced unanticipated factors or circumstances beyond their control causing a delay in their program, registered beyond the normal program length required for their degree in order to complete a minimal amount of work, registered in full-time studies.

Application Components

Sections 1, 2, and 4 of the Fall MCB Application Form, including an attached letter of support from your supervisor or academic chair explaining the unanticipated circumstances that lead to the delay in progress.

Category: Completion, Financial, In-Course
Required Legal Status: Domestic / International
Amount Awarded: 

  • Bursary value is equal to difference between part-time and full-time tuition charged in the final session of registration

Application Dates: Fall / Winter

Open to current or newly admitted full-time masters or doctoral students who are or have been within the last 5 years a refuge/asylum seeker anywhere in the world (regardless of status in Canada) OR whose current or proposed program of study has been impacted by changing political environments in their country of current or future study, including changes in immigration law, have an outstanding academic record, demonstrate a commitment to engaging in student life and extracurricular activities, and demonstrate financial need within a financial need assessment form. 

Application Components

A completed application form including a statement of intent describing how the applicant meets meets all of the Scholars-at-Risk Fellowship eligibility criteria. Transcripts from all post-secondary institutions, an updated CV, proof of asylum/refuge seeker status, completed SGS Financial Need Assessment Form, Additional Supplementary Documentation to support the candidate’s eligibility, and one (1) letter of reference regarding leadership and community involvement.

Category: Admission, Doctoral, In-Course, International, Master's
Required Legal Status: Domestic / International
Amount Awarded: 

  • Up to $10,000 for one year.

Application Dates: Summer
Notification Period: Mid-June

CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation

"Regular" institutional members of the Council of Graduate Studies may submit nominations -- one (1) each from the humanities, fine arts, and biological sciences.

Application Components

A completed nomination package including a completed nomination form, an abstract of the nominee's dissertation, three letters of recommendation evaluating the significance and quality of the nominee’s dissertation work. One of these letters is to be from the nominee's dissertation supervisor, another from a member of the nominee's dissertation committee, and the third from a person of the nominee's choice; the nominees updated CV (max five pages).

Category: Doctoral Completion Awards
Required Legal Status: Domestic/International
Amount Awarded: 

  • $2,000 and a certificate of recognition.


CGS-Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement

Applicants must have accepted or hold the following awards: Canada Graduate Scholarship-Master’s (CGS M); CIHR Frederick Banting and Charles Best CGS Doctoral Award (CGS D); NSERC Alexander Graham Bell CGS Doctoral Award (CGS D); SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Doctoral Award (CGS D); or a Vanier CGS Applicants must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada by the application deadline; propose a research period of a minimum of two months to a maximum of six months; and not hold or have held another CGS-MSFSS.

Application Components

An application package including completed application forms, an intended research plan, and two letters of support, one (1) from the current U of T supervisor, and one (1) from the host supervisor.

Category: Doctoral, In-Course, Master's, Conference
Required Legal Status: Domestic
Amount Awarded: 

  • Up to $6,000 one period of research study abroad

Application Dates: Spring
Notification Period: Within two months following receipt of applications

Applicants must be full-time graduate students in the Summer of award period. Have purchased a summer gym membership or program from one of two participating locations the Hart House Fitness Centre and Kinesiology & Physical Education (KPE) athletic facilities; and have valid proof of purchase that displays name and/or student number​. 

Application Components

Completion of the SGS Summer Gym Application.

Category: Doctoral, Financial, International, Master's, Prof. Master's
Required Legal Status: Domestic/International
Amount Awarded: 

  •  Up to 100% reimbursement (maximum $128) towards summer gym membership and/or program fees

Application Dates: Summer